Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chances Are...

Chances are you doubted yourself today. Chances are, you doubted your children today. Chances are, we would all be much more content, much more connected, much more authentic if we were able to trust ourselves and trust our children. Trust that we are able to meet their needs by connecting with them from the moment we wish to conceive them, trust our ability to birth them the way we are meant to birth them, trust our body's ability to make enough milk for them. As they grow, we need to trust that they are perfect, whole and here to teach us our biggest life lessons. Just be, just love, just grow. Trust that your parents were doing the best they could with what the tools they had at the time and trust your old hurts to heal because right now, right here, you are loved and you are meant to be TRUSTED. Chances are, if we trusted in our heart energy and let the love in, we would be overwhelmed by all the beauty and love around us. Free yourself by trusting and watch what comes back to you. Chances are you will find a different level of connection.

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