Monday, October 4, 2010

Loving the Imperfect

I am grasping the concept of Wabi Sabi. To accept the imperfection of all and rejoice in the natural beauty of it is my best explanation of wabi sabi. The Japanese term has been presented to me by the universe many times, yet it is only since I have accepted my own imperfection that I can practise wabi sabi in earnest. There is absolutely natural imperfect perfection in everything. Living nose to the grindstone in a toxic job with a micromanaging overseer does not allow you to accept imperfection. Accepting imperfection and its splendor only happens when we can take enough time to observe and see it through a quiet heart. Self-empathy is a good starting point.

Softening to our feelings, allowing them to present themselves and then breathing into them- to give them life, to let them grow- allows us to see our imperfection, but better yet, to feel it. Just as the well placed, naturally occuring cracks in a well loved piece of pottery demonstate an understanding of wabi sabi, allowing our own "cracks" in our characters to shine through, to be admired, accepted and loved will let us feel that we too, have a purpose. In all of our imperfection there is sweet purpose. All we need to do is love it.

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